
Ecotech is a certified organization that has successfully implemented more than 30 large commercial and socially-oriented construction projects in Russia and Belarus. The company's specialists have all the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out design, construction, expertise, audit, installation and other technical works of any level of complexity and scale. Each client is guaranteed an individual approach, and the use of innovative technologies in the work guarantees 100% quality and high reliability of completed objects.
Financial and technical oversight (control)
Construction of small hydropower plants «Beloporozhsk HPP-1» and «Beloporozhsk HPP-2»

Financial and technical control over the construction of small hydropower plants «Beloporozhskaya HPP-1» and «Beloporozhskaya HPP-2», as well as power grid facilities for their connection to the grids in the Republic of Karelia.

Expertise and audit
Construction audit of the project «Construction of Polotsk HPP on the Western Dvina River»

Construction audit of the project «Construction of Polotsk HPP on the Western Dvina River». Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Luchno village.

Learn more Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Luchno village.
Expertise and audit
Audit of the project «Construction of Beloporozhsk Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (SHPP) on the territory of the Republic of Karelia»

Financial and technical control over the construction of small hydropower plants «Beloporozhskaya HPP-1» and «Beloporozhskaya HPP-2», as well as power grid facilities for their connection to the grids in the Republic of Karelia.

Learn more Республика Карелия, Кемский район
Financial and technical oversight (control)
Financial and technical control over construction of the Polotsk HPP

Финансово-технический контроль по строительству Полоцкой ГЭС на реке Западная Двина. Беларусь, Витебская область.

Learn more Республика Беларусь, Витебская область, д. Лучно
Technical client Attracting investments
Construction of a complex for processing and disposal of solid waste «Aleksinsky Quarry»

Технический заказчик по организации строительства объектов, проведение инженерно-технического сопровождения «Строительства комплекса по переработке и размещению ТКО «Алексинский карьер» г. Клин, Московская область.

Learn more Клин, Московская область
Technical client Attracting investments
Construction of the «Aleksinsky» ecotechnopark

Выполнение функций технического заказчика Экотехнопарка «Алексинский» г. Клин.

Technical client Construction supervision Financial and technical oversight (control)
Construction of a waste treatment, neutralization and disposal complex at the «Phosphorit» industrial zone

Выполнение функций технического заказчика и строительного контроля по объекту «Комплекс по обработке (сортировке), обезвреживанию и размещению отходов промзоны Фосфорит» Ленинградская область, Кингисеппский район.

Learn more Кингисепп, Ленинградская область
Technical client
Reconstruction and reclamation of the «Lesnaya» solid waste landfill

Технический заказчик по реконструкции и рекультивации полигона ТКО «Лесная». Московская область.

Learn more Московская область, Серпухов
Technical client Construction supervision
Modernization of the sorting complex for solid municipal waste

Выполнение функций технического заказчика и строительного контроля по модернизации сортировочного комплекса ТКО, г. Тольятти.

Expertise and audit
Gas turbine combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) of «Energomash» Group of Companies

Экспертиза и аудит газотурбинных ТЭЦ группы компаний «Энергомаш».


Eurasian Development Bank
Feedback on collaboration for the construction project of small hydropower plants Beloporozhskaya HPP-1 and Beloporozhskaya HPP-2.
LLC Kombinat
Feedback on collaboration with "Ecotech" LLC on the MSW project "Alekseyevsky Quarry".
International Investment Bank
Feedback on collaboration within the scope of "Ecotech" LLC's financial and technical supervision activities.
JSC “Waste Management Company in Leningrad Region”
Feedback on the performance of "Ecotech" LLC's technical client and construction oversight functions.
LLC “EcoRESOURCE Volga Region”
Feedback on the provision of technical client and construction oversight services by "Ecotech" LLC in the modernization of the MSW sorting complex in Tolyatti.
Feedback on collaboration with "Ecotech" LLC in the provision of technical client and construction oversight services.

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