Independent construction and technical expertise or audit is an integral part of project implementation. Thanks to timely audit, it becomes possible to minimize risks during the construction process, control the quality of work and materials, ensure timely completion, optimize resources, and mitigate the consequences of construction risks.

During the audit, the correctness of the funds spent is checked, as well as the expertise of structures and materials, and an analysis of technical solutions, sequence, and methods of work execution.

The status of experts accredited by major financial institutions, government, and private companies allows «Ecotech» specialists to conduct independent construction expertise of investment projects.

List of services provided by LLC «EcoTech» in expertise and audit: 

  • Expertise of buildings, structures, engineering networks, energy facilities, and infrastructure;
  • Financial-technical audit;
  • Examination and audit of project cost estimates, working and executive documentation;
  • Construction audit.

To obtain detailed information about service costs and receive professional consultation, please complete the feedback form on our website. Our specialists will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Примеры проектов
Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Luchno village.
Construction audit of the project «Construction of Polotsk HPP on the Western Dvina River» Construction audit of the project «Construction of Polotsk HPP on… Learn more
Республика Карелия, Кемский район
Audit of the project «Construction of Beloporozhsk Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (SHPP) on the territory of the Republic of Karelia» Financial and technical control over the construction of small hydropower… Learn more
Gas turbine combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) of «Energomash» Group of Companies Экспертиза и аудит газотурбинных ТЭЦ группы компаний «Энергомаш». Learn more