The work of the waste disposal complex was launched in the Kingisepp district of the Leningrad region. This is a significant event for the entire region, as the complex became the first processing plant in the region. The capacity of the Kingisepp waste processing complex (KPO) located in the Phosphorit industrial zone is designed for 300 tons per year. It is planned that it will process waste from eight municipal districts of the region. The production project was carried out by the regional waste management operator JSC Waste Management Management Company in the Leningrad Region with the direct support of the Government of the Leningrad Region.The first waste recycling plant opened in the Leningrad region

The Kingisepp waste management complex was built as part of the large-scale national project Ecology, initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The global goal of the project is environmental protection, one of the important areas of which is the elimination of landfills, waste disposal and recycling, as well as the use of safe and effective technologies and methods in handling industrial and human waste. The technical customer of the complex was the engineering company ECOTECH, which has been providing high quality in the construction market for 15 years. As part of this project, the company’s employees provided surveyor services and carried out construction supervision.