In the Samara Region, employees of a new waste sorting complex with a capacity of 300 thousand tons per year, commissioned on July 16 in the city of Tolyatti, have begun work. The opening of the enterprise was attended by the acting governor of the Samara Region Vyacheslav Fedorishchev and the director of the Russian Environmental Operator (REO) Denis Butsaev.
The complex was built with the financial support of the REO, the investment in the project amounted to 1.2 billion rubles. It is noteworthy that in the technical component of the enterprise, the volume of Russian equipment amounted to 78%. This includes automated waste sorting units and a control system. The production of equipment for processing solid municipal waste was carried out by the Russian company “ECOMASHGRUPP”. The services of the technical customer were provided by the engineering company “ECOTECH”, whose track record includes more than one constructed object with the prefix “eco”. The investment project was implemented by OOO “EcoResourcePovolzhye”.
“The largest Togliatti complex is designed to sort three hundred thousand tons of solid municipal waste per year,” noted Denis Butsaev, “and the share of secondary raw materials after sorting at the facility will be at least 16%. This enterprise currently meets all the requirements to bring the region closer to fulfilling the federal project indicators, and will also play an important role in the formation of a closed-loop economy, i.e. renewable production and consumption with maximum use of resources, eliminating waste and negative impact on nature.”