The technical client is a crucial link in the chain of implementing investment projects in construction. It is responsible for organizing, planning, accounting, and managing the project.

The technical client ensures quality control of the work, adherence to deadlines, budget, and regulatory and technical documentation; is responsible for achieving the designated technical-economic and operational indicators; ensures proper allocation of funds and brings the project to its final commissioning.


In other words, the technical client assumes numerous crucial functions that, one way or another, impact the success of each stage: from its development, conducting pre-project activities, obtaining initial permitting documentation, overseeing project and surveying activities, interacting with regulatory authorities, managing construction, to work acceptance and commissioning of the facility.

For this reason, it is particularly important to have highly qualified specialists with relevant experience who can serve as a link between project participants, regulatory authorities, and relevant agencies. The employees of «Ecotech» LLC possess a high level of expertise and extensive work experience, actively participating members of the National Association of Builders and the National Association of Surveyors and Designers. The organization is also a participant in industry associations and self-regulatory bodies.

Our company’s specialists will provide professional assistance from the concept stage to commissioning, allowing for a significant improvement in the quality of work, budget optimization, and the completion of tasks within minimal time frames.

To obtain detailed information about service costs and receive professional consultation, please complete the feedback form on our website. Our specialists will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Project examples
д. Радумля, Московская область
Construction of an administrative and production complex Технический заказчик по объекту «Административно-производственный комплекс», Московская обл., д. Радумля.… Learn more
Клин, Московская область
Construction of a complex for processing and disposal of solid waste «Aleksinsky Quarry» Технический заказчик по организации строительства объектов, проведение инженерно-технического сопровождения «Строительства… Learn more
Construction of the «Aleksinsky» ecotechnopark Выполнение функций технического заказчика Экотехнопарка «Алексинский» г. Клин. Learn more
Кингисепп, Ленинградская область
Construction of a waste treatment, neutralization and disposal complex at the «Phosphorit» industrial zone Выполнение функций технического заказчика и строительного контроля по объекту «Комплекс… Learn more
Московская область, Серпухов
Reconstruction and reclamation of the «Lesnaya» solid waste landfill Технический заказчик по реконструкции и рекультивации полигона ТКО «Лесная». Московская… Learn more
Modernization of the sorting complex for solid municipal waste Выполнение функций технического заказчика и строительного контроля по модернизации сортировочного… Learn more