Audit and control of the intended use of funds at the investment stage of project implementation is carried out in order to verify the validity of all items of expenditure for each event. Monitoring and control of the estimated cost allows you to prevent overspending of resources, overestimation of costly items due to the purchase of unreasonably expensive materials, raw materials, equipment within the framework of the creation of a construction object. Each expenditure operation of an investment project must be economically feasible, justified and confirmed.
The Ecotech team has the necessary experience to audit and control the targeted expenditure of funds within the framework of projects (including in the field of solid municipal waste management), prepare engineering notes for financing organizations to coordinate payment registers for financing works/services/equipment/materials. Acting as an Auditor/An expert/The supervisory Company, LLC “Ecotech” confirms the following design parameters, namely:
- the intended purpose of payments;
- compliance with the schedules of construction work on the project;
- verification of contracts for compliance with the goals, budget, and documentation of the project;
- monitoring of compliance with contracts with the received conclusions of the state/non-state expertise and current requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- comparison of the actual volumes and prices of the paid works of the cost of the project, comparison with market conditions. Analysis of actually implemented operations for compliance with project documentation and terms of contracts;
- audit of compliance of the cost of purchased equipment with average market prices;
- verification of the sufficiency and availability of all types of documentation: design estimates, contractual, initial permits for the completion of construction and commissioning of facilities;
- control of the validity of transactions carried out under the project.
An example of the successful implementation of the Auditor’s functions/An expert/The supervisory company in 2024 has major investment projects:
1.”Complex for processing, neutralization and disposal of waste from the Phosphorite industrial zone, Kingisepp, Leningrad region.” Productivity: 300 thousand tons per year.
- “Ecotechnopark of Lipetsk district, Stebayevsky village Council, Lipetsk region”. Productivity: 200 thousand tons/year.
Preparation by ECOTECH LLC of financial and technical supervision reports and engineering notes on time had a direct impact on timely financing of projects (including with a budgetary component), fulfillment of payment obligations under contracts concluded within the framework of project implementation, prevention of accrual of penalties from the Customer’s counterparties, as well as hedging risks of non-fulfillment of payment obligations obligations with a currency component.
These factors led to the optimization of project implementation deadlines, the fulfillment of production schedules and network schedules and the achievement of targets for these facilities.
Thanks to the participation of the technical customer of ECOTECH LLC, decisions were made:
- to ensure entrances to the construction site;
- transfer and arrangement of the construction site;
- initiation of trial pumping of groundwater to raise the depth marks of laying foundations of structures, filling reservoirs and other unaccounted-for works in the Design and Estimate documentation, as well as constant monitoring of Construction and installation work and prompt response to take measures in case of unforeseen situations.
All this has become possible for the timely start and non-stop construction of facilities, minimizing the backlog and completing construction on time.
Conclusion: contacting the professionals of Ecotech LLC guarantees compliance with targeted financing and compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of projects.
Team qualification
Ecotech Company offers the Customer / Initiator of the project professional performance of any type of work, due to the presence of a team of financiers, builders, designers, engineers with professional skills, knowledge and experience in the implementation of large investment projects.
The professional team of Ecotech LLC, within the framework of joint work on investment projects, including those implemented on the principles of public-private partnership, has many years of successful experience in interacting with the Vnesheconombank group of companies, the World Bank, ministries and departments of Moscow and the Moscow region within the framework of:
- conducting an examination of investment projects, including PPP projects;
- preparation of proposals to determine the optimal measures of state support for investment projects;
- financial monitoring and support of investment projects, assessment of targets for the use of borrowed funds;
- preparation of analytical materials for the implementation of the main activities of state programs in the field of development of single-industry towns, providing support measures to Russian exporters, increasing private investment in the framework of the development of public-private partnership;
- Project risk assessment and management;
- control of the targeted use of borrowed funds, calculation of economic efficiency and project targets;
- formation of reports on the results of financial monitoring and support of investment projects;
- financing of foreign trade operations using letters of credit and guarantee instruments.
The projects financed within the framework of the federal support measure of the PPK “REO”, implemented with the participation of the Ecotech LLC team, allowed attracting additional investments into the project economy, creating new jobs, implementing reforms in the MSW management industry and fulfilling the tasks of introducing technologies for efficient and safe management of production and consumption waste.